
Joe Pye Weed Seeds - (Eupatorium maculatum )

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Seed Count:
Approx 100 seeds per pack
Plant Spacing:
Light Preference:
Full sun to partial shade
Heirloom, Non-Hybrid, Non-GMO seeds
  • Monarch and Bee on Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Viceroy Butterfly on Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Swallowtail Butterfly on Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Swallowtail Butterflies on Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Field of Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Joe Pye Weed Flowers - (Eupatorium maculatum )
  • Heirloom Joe Pye Weed Seeds - (Eupatorium maculatum )

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Joe Pye Weed 

An amazing plant that is a native herb, a wildflower, a butterfly plant and an ornamental for the flower and vegetable garden. Composite, rose-purple flowers have a vanilla-like scent. In danger of extinction in the wild, direct sow outdoors in fall.

This serious butterfly magnet blooms July through September or until a hard frost.

Often growing to 7' tall with moderate, sustained soil moisture –  most comfortable towards the back or along visual borders in the garden where it won’t crowd out the shorter plants. In drier conditions, the average height is 3 – 5'. Prefers sunny or partly shaded sites to hold court and tolerates both moist soils and occasional drought conditions once established.


Possibly named for a Native American doctor, Joe Pye, who used it medicinally in early Massachusetts.


It reputedly stimulates circulation and sweating, makes a gentle laxative and is used for kidney problems. Some Native American tribes still consider Joe Pye Weed to be an aphrodisiac.

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