



Arugula is grown as a leaf vegetable for its fresh, peppery flavor. Other names include garden rocket, eruca, rocket salad, rucola, rucoli, rugula, and roquette. Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, it has been used as an important salad plant for centuries.

Thriving in cool weather, it can thrive in warm climates with some shade protection. It is equally happy in the garden or a container.

  • Cool Season Greens Collection - Rocket Arugula
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    Cool Season Greens Seed Collection

    Cool Season Greens Seed Collection – Fast-Growing Delectable Tastes The garden follows a rhythm, a dance between seasons, and this collection allows you to guide that movement. We've chosen these cool-season varieties for their consistent flavors...
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  • Fresh Picked Rocket Arugula/Roquette leaves - (Eruca sativa)
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    Rocket Arugula/Roquette Seeds - (Eruca sativa)

    Rocket Arugula - Make Your Salad Rock! A great cut and come again plant, this annual adds a refreshing tangy spiciness to salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Rocket Arugula goes by many names, depending on the area - in North America it’s known as...
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  • Sweet & Spicy Greens Mix
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    Sweet & Spicy Greens Seed Mix

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  • Wild Italian Arugula - (Rucola selvatica)
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    Wild Italian Arugula Seeds - (Rucola selvatica)

    Wild Italian Arugula - The Wild Italian Boyfriend Your Mom Warned You About! Wild Italian Arugula has a more intricate flavor than regular Arugula: tantalizingly complex - sweet, nutty, tangy and peppery. So tasty that it's addictive. Wild Arugula is...
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