
Unique Greens

Unique Greens

Unique Greens

These greens are singular, uncommon, and absolutely delicious varieties that are highly deserving of a place in your garden, even if that spot is sharing a pot on a patio or balcony.

Some used to be more well-known while others have been treasured greens in other cultures and countries. Many renowned chefs use these greens as a secret ingredient to give flavor and presence to their signature dishes. 

  • Edible Chrysanthemum leaves at market - (Chrysanthemum coronarium)
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    Edible Chrysanthemum Seeds - (Chrysanthemum coronarium)

    Edible Chrysanthemum - Flowering Vegetable of Asian Nobility The cheerfully brilliant orange-yellow flowers floating above clouds of deep green foliage may look like simple garden flowers but they conceal an ancient, noble secret. In ancient China,...
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  • Miner's Lettuce - (Claytonia perfoliata)
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    Miner's Lettuce Seeds - (Claytonia perfoliata)

    Miner's Lettuce - America's World-Class Salad Green This native winter green rewards benign neglect with prolific harvests of delicious, pleasingly crunchy, mild-tasting leaves from late winter to mid- to late spring. Easily grown by scattering...
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  • New Zealand Spinach Leaves - (Tetragonia expansa)
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    New Zealand Spinach Seeds - (Tetragonia expansa)

    New Zealand Spinach New Zealand spinach is often described as a warm-weather spinach substitute, good for summer salads, as it thrives in hot weather, won’t bolt or get bitter. This ancient native to New Zealand and coastal Australia is not a true...
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  • Red Garnet Amaranth leaves with seeds - (Amaranthus hybridus)
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    Red Garnet Amaranth Seeds - (Amaranthus hybridus)

    Red Garnet Amaranth - Outlawed Food of the Aztecs Red Garnet amaranth is a strikingly beautiful food crop supplying bountiful amounts of deep red, spoon-shaped to oval leaves with stunning magenta flower spikes and seeds, all are edible. Young leaves...
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  • Red Malabar Spinach Leaves and Buds- (Basella rubra)
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    Red Malabar Spinach Seeds - (Basella rubra)

    Red Malabar Spinach – Heat-Loving Leafy Green A beautiful vining plant with gorgeous red stems and thick, dark green, heart-shaped leaves that climb 6-10' in warm climates. Malabar spinach loves the summer heat, producing loads of tender...
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  • Red Orach Leaves - (Atriplex hortensis)
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    Red Orach Seeds - (Atriplex hortensis)

    Red Orach - The Ancient Egyptian Superfood That Thrives in the Heat There’s a spinach that not only withstands the scorching summer sun but thrives in it, with leaves of striking crimson against the backdrop of all the other wilting greens...
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  • Fresh Picked Rocket Arugula/Roquette leaves - (Eruca sativa)
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    Rocket Arugula/Roquette Seeds - (Eruca sativa)

    Rocket Arugula - Make Your Salad Rock! A great cut and come again plant, this annual adds a refreshing tangy spiciness to salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Rocket Arugula goes by many names, depending on the area - in North America it’s known as...
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  • Sculpit /Stridolo plant - (Silene inflata)
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    Sculpit /Stridolo Seeds - (Silene inflata)

    Sculpit/Stridolo - the Rare Italian Herb Sculpit or Stridolo is a fast-growing, mild-mannered herb blending the complex and delicate, yet distinctive flavors of chicory, arugula, tarragon, and other favorite greens. Often described as a lightly herby,...
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  • Strawberry Spinach leaves and fruit - (Chenopodium capitatum)
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    Strawberry Spinach Seeds - (Chenopodium capitatum)

    Strawberry Spinach - Doubly Delicious  This plant has a double personality and multiple uses, combining a leafy green with fruit-bearing stalks in one crop, making a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. Enjoy the young leaves raw in...
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  • Wild Italian Arugula - (Rucola selvatica)
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    Wild Italian Arugula Seeds - (Rucola selvatica)

    Wild Italian Arugula - The Wild Italian Boyfriend Your Mom Warned You About! Wild Italian Arugula has a more intricate flavor than regular Arugula: tantalizingly complex - sweet, nutty, tangy and peppery. So tasty that it's addictive. Wild Arugula is...
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