Unique Greens
These greens are singular, uncommon, and absolutely delicious varieties that are highly deserving of a place in your garden, even if that spot is sharing a pot on a patio or balcony.
Some used to be more well-known while others have been treasured greens in other cultures and countries. Many renowned chefs use these greens as a secret ingredient to give flavor and presence to their signature dishes.
Corn Salad/Lamb's Lettuce/Mache Seeds - (Valerianella locusta)
$3.45Corn Salad/Lamb's Lettuce/Mache - Delectable Cool Weather Green Corn Salad is an ancient green that grows wild in Europe and was foraged by peasants for centuries as a dependable source of essential fresh greens from fall to early winter and again in...$3.45 -
Edible Chrysanthemum Seeds - (Chrysanthemum coronarium)
$3.45Edible Chrysanthemum - Flowering Vegetable of Asian Nobility The cheerfully brilliant orange-yellow flowers floating above clouds of deep green foliage may look like simple garden flowers but they conceal an ancient, noble secret. In ancient China,...$3.45 -
Miner's Lettuce Seeds - (Claytonia perfoliata)
$3.45Miner's Lettuce - America's World-Class Salad Green This native winter green rewards benign neglect with prolific harvests of delicious, pleasingly crunchy, mild-tasting leaves from late winter to mid- to late spring. Easily grown by scattering...$3.45 -
New Zealand Spinach Seeds - (Tetragonia expansa)
$3.45New Zealand Spinach New Zealand spinach is often described as a warm-weather spinach substitute, good for summer salads, as it thrives in hot weather, won’t bolt or get bitter. This ancient native to New Zealand and coastal Australia is not a true...$3.45 -
Papalo/Quilquiña Seeds - (Porophyllum ruderale ssp. macrocephalum)
$4.50Papalo/Quilquiña/Papaloquelite – From South American Gardens to Your Kitchen Picture a citrusy twist, a hint of arugula, and a burst of fresh cilantro-like tang encapsulated in one magnificent, oversized leaf. This is Papalo, an...$4.50 -
Red Aztec Spinach/Huauzontle Seeds - (Chenopodium berlandieri)
$3.80Red Aztec Spinach/Huauzontle - Heat-loving spinach flavors Very few plants equal this for a summer spinach crop, as heat only produces more leaves. Full sun and triple-digit temperatures don’t faze this relative of quinoa, lamb’s...$3.80 -
Red Garnet Amaranth Seeds - (Amaranthus hybridus)
$3.45Red Garnet Amaranth - Outlawed Food of the Aztecs Red Garnet amaranth is a strikingly beautiful food crop supplying bountiful amounts of deep red, spoon-shaped to oval leaves with stunning magenta flower spikes and seeds, all are edible. Young leaves...$3.45 -
Red Malabar Spinach Seeds - (Basella rubra)
$3.60Red Malabar Spinach – Heat-Loving Leafy Green A beautiful vining plant with gorgeous red stems and thick, dark green, heart-shaped leaves that climb 6-10' in warm climates. Malabar spinach loves the summer heat, producing loads of tender...$3.60 -
Red Orach Seeds - (Atriplex hortensis)
$3.45Red Orach - The Ancient Egyptian Superfood That Thrives in the Heat There’s a spinach that not only withstands the scorching summer sun but thrives in it, with leaves of striking crimson against the backdrop of all the other wilting greens...$3.45 -
Red Shiso/Perilla Seeds - (Perilla frutescens var. crispa)
$3.45Red Shiso/Perilla – Basil’s Aromatic Asian Cousin Long popular in Japanese cuisine, the beautiful, frilly, deep purple young leaves are added to salads, used to wrap sushi, and served with sashimi. Regarded as an indispensable...$3.45 -
Rocket Arugula/Roquette Seeds - (Eruca sativa)
$3.45Rocket Arugula - Make Your Salad Rock! A great cut and come again plant, this annual adds a refreshing tangy spiciness to salads, sandwiches, and sauces. Rocket Arugula goes by many names, depending on the area - in North America it’s known as...$3.45 -
Sculpit /Stridolo Seeds - (Silene inflata)
$3.45Sculpit/Stridolo - the Rare Italian Herb Sculpit or Stridolo is a fast-growing, mild-mannered herb blending the complex and delicate, yet distinctive flavors of chicory, arugula, tarragon, and other favorite greens. Often described as a lightly herby,...$3.45 -
Strawberry Spinach Seeds - (Chenopodium capitatum)
$3.60Strawberry Spinach - Doubly Delicious This plant has a double personality and multiple uses, combining a leafy green with fruit-bearing stalks in one crop, making a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. Enjoy the young leaves raw in...$3.60 -
Wild Italian Arugula Seeds - (Rucola selvatica)
$3.50Wild Italian Arugula - The Wild Italian Boyfriend Your Mom Warned You About! Wild Italian Arugula has a more intricate flavor than regular Arugula: tantalizingly complex - sweet, nutty, tangy and peppery. So tasty that it's addictive. Wild Arugula is...$3.50